Dushi Sinterklaas

25 november 2012

Bon tardi!

'It's raining men, halleluia...' Here I am: in my cosy cabin on the ship, while the rain leaks through my roof. Finally a moment to sit down with some hot chocolate and write a new story.

The weeks go by so quickly. I have been working with many different clients but mostly with those who have autism. It was very interesting and I wish I could use my Art therapy background more often. At least I now know for sure that I am an art therapist and that working in this profession makes me happy. Creating paintings and artwork keeps not only my clients, but also myself sane.

Jobwise, I have spoken to many organisations and whenever I think to be close to the fire, the budget seems too short to employ me. It is such a shame because there is enough (therapeutic) work to do. However, I first need to have permission from the Dutch Antilles Kabinet whether I can stay or not. For this process, I need to have a contract with an employer etc. Being Dutch, it shouldn't be too difficult, it's just that anything over here goes poco-poco (=slowly). The good thing is, I found a little home where I can move to from 15th of December. It's in Otrabanda, close to Willemstad. Some people ask me: Are you sure you want to stay in curacao?. It's a good question: the political situation doesn't look to promising for Dutch people at the moment. On the other hand, why not give it a try? I really do see that there are possibilities on the island for me. Furthermore, I love this climate, I love the music, I love the dancing, I love living outdoors.

Last weekend, I have been climbing Christoffel mountain. That was a trip! But once I had reached the top, the view was overwhelming. I bet it's like life:  it's not always easy to believe in that view, to believe you can reach the top even when you can't see it. But when you go steady, stay optimistic and keep holding on: you will find yourself up there some day.. (How filosofic...it must be the rain;).

A last note on Sinterklaas: He has arrived in Willemstad by stoomboat! The zwarte pieten where dancing their arses off on the swinging caribbean music. It was the best arrival of sinterklaas I have seen so far in my life. Quite suprised to find this festival being celebrated by both black and white, knowing the different opinions: 'form of slavery, white being superieur to black etc.'  Besides this discussion, everyone was having a good, sweaty time.

Meanwhile, the Christmas trees are popping up. If you'd like to send me a Christmas card, here's my new address per 15th of December:

De Ojedastraat 4A, Otrabanda, Willemstad, Curacao.





3 Reacties

  1. Bart:
    25 november 2012
    Hey Esther,

    Love to read your story over here. Also like your status updates on Facebook is fun, but a blog give more space writing down your thoughts.

    Great to hear that you found a place for yourself and have a bit more private space for your self and your development.

    Maybe an idea to do some freelance art therapy work. If you ever need a website to advertise your art therapy work in a professional way, just let me, know. I can setup a professional site you can maintain yourself quite easily :-)
  2. Matti:
    25 november 2012
    Fijn te lezen Esther. You will reach the top! Wij een wil is, is een weg. Vroeger was mijn slogan; Take your time, relax, it will work!
    Geniet ervan, ook voor mij. Voorlopig nog op Engelse bodem. Ik zie je graag in Curaçao XXX
    Ook van Sarah, Ellis en Micah , ze zijn je niet vergeten !
  3. Van een oude joe di Corsou:
    26 november 2012
    Hallo Esther,
    Hartelijk dank voor je uitvoerig bericht over je verblijf op Dushi Corsou. Het eiland van mijn dromen. Heb je al bezoek gehad van Elly van Baar en op het
    terras van Avila als een prime minister (soort Rutte) al een kopje koffie
    of een zuurzaksapje gedronken? Geniet van de zon, de zee, het strand
    en van de mooie baaien, landhuizen en forten. Lukt het met de pentekeningen
    van een brutale cabrito, een stekende Infrou, een mooie Kadushi, een oude
    Dividivi. Een mooie Ara en de spin Nanzi? Ze komen allemaal
    in mijn boek voor. O ja ik vergat nog het ezeltje met het karretje met water
    en Fina, met een grote mand op haar hoofd - met een kip, mango s en tomaten - op de Markt. Hopelijk wordt het boek: MUNDO NOBO, MON AMOUR (2013) een bestseller en wil ik de eerste exemplaren presenteren
    in de boekwinkel van Vivienne Domhoff-Boom op Suikertuintje,
    ben je daar al geweest???? Het ga je goed. Nu nog de job (zie mijn mail)
    Vaja con Dios, Groeten en brasa, Ajo, mnr.Admiraal